As part of the Feminist Economics special issue on Covid-19 and “Feminist Economic Perspectives on the Organization of Care in Times of Covid-19”, I participated…
Tag: Covid19 Project
Impossible choices for low-income essential workers with young children
With the reopening of schools last week, and as debates about the safety and concerns of teachers and pupils continue, we reflect on how caregiving during the pandemic has deepened inequalities for low-income employed mothers and essential workers who care for children.
Plenary Talk at Virtual Conference on Healthy Ageing
In this plenary talk at the UCT-hosted, IARU Healthy Ageing: Research, Strategies and Actions, Annual Graduate Student Conference, 30 Sept – 2 Oct 2020, I…
Symposium on Childcare at Transforming Care Conference
I will be hosting a symposium at the upcoming Transforming Care Virtual Conference. This symposium examines the state’s response to the care for young children during the pandemic and the implications for challenging ‘gendered’ assumptions and responsibilities around paid and unpaid care work. It looks at case studies across the Globe (UK, South Africa, Brazil and Italy) to explore the ways in which the pandemic changes or reinscribes traditional patterns of care for young children.
Adding insult to injury: When you’re a womxn and a caregiver, you’re not a citizen
By denying womxn access to the Covid-19 social relief grant when they are also receiving child support grants for the children in their care, the state is making its position clear: Womxn’s roles are firmly located in the family and it’s acceptable for their rights to go there to die.
Awareness : Women-headed households and Covid-19.
Women-headed households seem to be worse affected by the socio-economic effects brought on by Covid-19 socioligist and UCT associate proffesor Dr Elena Moore dissects.
E-Seminar: Women, Work and Care during Covid-19
In the seminar, scholars from South Africa and the UK reflect on the ways in which Covid-19 is shaping women’s work and family obligations in…
Covid-19 emergency child support grants need flexibility to accommodate fluid caregiving
Covid-19 emergency relief child support grants are tied to a ‘primary caregiver’ model of childcare. But in South Africa, where family relations are often fluid and childcare…
Sidla imbuya ngothi (We are very poor): Child Support Grants and Covid-19
The Covid-19 pandemic will deepen existing glaring racial disparities among children. We know already that children’s access to resources varies dramatically by race.
Family dynamics in multi-generational households during Covid-19
How do multi-generational families adjust when Covid-19 enters a household through illness or economic loss? How are patterns of care and financial support transformed and what conflicts emerge?